Always Cooking with the Always Pan!
If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that I have been crushing it in the kitchen lately thanks to the Always Pan by Our Place. This purchase was fully influenced by ads I kept seeing on Instagram, but truly, this one is so worth it!!
I am not exactly someone who loves to cook. The whole idea of making a mess really turns me off to the whole thing. The Always Pan was a tempting purchase for me because it promised me fewer dishes. It has delivered on that promise.
Code: COOK15 for 15% OFF

The size of the Always Pan is perfect for cooking EVERYTHING from omlettes, to chicken keema, to pasta, to daal (lentils)! Even after 20+ uses, the pan looks brand new and cleans up in no time.
This is honestly the MOST EXPENSIVE pan I have ever owned, but sometimes you really do get what you pay for. If you are in the market for new dishes, as I was, check out the Always Pan and be sure to use code COOK15 to save 15%!

Your Chick,